Overgeared is a fantasy-action-thriller novel. In Overgeared, Shin Youngwoo bought a Satisfy gaming capsule that cost him his entire life savings and caused him to be in debt after the purchase. In the society he lived in, all his friends deserted him because he became outrightly poor.
According to Shin Youngwoo, he was a disgrace to even his parents as a result of his poverty status. However, he joined the Satisfy VR game simulation as a character called Grid, and started to go on quests. Grid started his gaming quests in Patrian. One of his quests came from an Earl called Earl Ashur. Earl Ashur sent Grid on a quest to recover a legendary book called Pagma’s rare book.
Pagma’s rare book was coined by a legendary blacksmith called Pagma, whose skill transcended the understanding of humans into God-like forms.
After going through thick and thin during this quest, Grid eventually acquired the legendary book when he entered the Northern End Cave, but instead of him to return it to Earl Ashur as he was supposed to do, he weighed the odds of selling the legendary treasure that was this book, to earn enough money to offset his debts.
While he was in this thought process, Earl Ashur suddenly showed up, to Grid’s surprise. In Overgeared, Earl Ashur sent Grid on this quest, and also secretly sent a watcher to trail him in case he wanted to run away with the book, just as Grid was already thinking of doing.
Earl Ashur was not even sure of the existence of this book, yet he sent Grid after it and promised him a reward if he found it, but, according to Earl Ashur, Grid was a foolish traveler who had the same greed as all other travelers that he had sent on quests, so he became very upset.
As a result of Grid’s greed and planned theft, he received punishment from the simulation itself. Earl Ashur was going to kill Grid after all, so the simulation made Grid face the consequences of his actions.
He was sent on another quest to kill Earl Ashur and claim the title of the Noble killer in a bid to be free from punishments such as losing all the popularity he had garnered in Patrian, having every single noble in Patrian despise him and seek to oppress him, have the Patrian soldiers kill him on sight, and the Patrian residents become less familiar with him and regard him as a thief. He was forbidden to enter Patrian again.
In a nutshell, he was an outcast in exile from Patrian.
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- Part 1: Main Characters Of Overgeared
- Part 2: Hot Chapters from Overgeared
- Part 3: Evaluate Overgeared
Part 1: Main Characters Of Overgeared
Shin Youngwoo AKA Grid

I assume that the writer of this book considers Shin Youngwoo AKA Grid as Overgeared. When the author was introducing the book in the beginning, he made mention the fact that Overgeared is Korean slang for players who relied on items acquired externally to charge up their abilities and statistics during a quest, instead of relying on their innate skill.
This was the case with Grid. Grid’s name in real life was Shin Youngwoo. Shin Youngwoo was a construction worker who became filthy poor after he purchased the Satisfy gaming capsule and acquired heavy debts via a loan he took.
While Shin Youngwoo was in the game as Grid, he happened to have been sent on a quest in Patrian, to reach a certain cave that was rumored to have disappeared from history, and acquire a certain legendary book which was also rumored to not be in existence from the said cave called the North End Cave.
The instruction from the Earl, Earl Ashur, who sent Grid on the quest, was for him to return with the book when he found it, but Grid planned to steal it so that he could pay off his debts and replenish his failed reputation in his family, and he was caught, forcing consequences on himself that affected him through the length of the book.
Lim Cheolho

Lim Cheolho was the leader of the team of scientists that built the virtual reality gaming system and oversaw the development of the game, Satisfy. In the book, Overgeared, he could be seen on several occasions, supervising what was going on in the simulation, and looking out for irregularities.
He was a renowned hardworking scientist respected in the country and was addressed by several titles as a result of his scientific expertise.
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Part 2: Hot Chapters from Overgeared

Chapter 1
This is arguably the most important chapter in the book apart from the prologue and index where the author defines and explains some terms used in the book for a better understanding for the reader. In Chapter 1 of Overgeared, Grid arrived at the Nothern End Cave and found Pagma’s Rare Book.
Instead of him to look for a way to get it back to Earl Ashur, the man that sent him on the quest and promised him a reward, Grid planned to run away with the book, and sell it for a huge amount of money from which he would pay his debts owed in real life and have changed.
In Chapter 1 of Overbearing, after Earl Ashur caught Grid, he swore to kill him, but the simulation sent Grid on a quest to kill Earl Ashur instead, or risk being killed by him. Grid was then punished as a result of his perceived greed, and these punishments given to Grid influenced his luck in the entirety of the book. It caused a chain reaction for Grid in the game, Satisfy.
Chapter 3

Lim Cheolho, the developer of the game, satisfy was talked about for the first time in Chapter 3 of Overbearing. He was a leading scientist, respected at home and abroad, and had a lot of responsibility hanging on his shoulder. And he loved it.
He was proud of his creation and spent time watching nearly every player out of the 2 billion plus players that participated at a time. I bet he considered it that he had created another world. I bet.
In Chapter 3 of Overgeared, readers will notice that Leo Cheolho was called to the company in the middle of the night, where found out that a certain young lad had found the Northern End Cave, acquired Pagma’s Rare book, and used it.
If readers can remember, in Chapter 1, it was said that Earl Ashur was not even sure of the existence of the Northern End Cave that he sent Grid to quest at, and neither was he sure of the existence of Pagma’s rare book. Earl Ashur was right to think that way because Lim Cheolho, the developer of Satisfy, had made the Nothern End Cave and Pagma’s Rare book complex by hiding them under a complex algorithm.
Chapter 11

After being faced with the ill luck that finding Pagma’s Rare book brought Grid, he was eventually able to live out one of the blessings of acquiring the book. In Chapter 11, Grid had been subtly stuck in a village called Bairan. After he died at Yatan’s cave, he woke up at Bairan village, and could not afford a carriage to take him to the next village where he could find quests that would level up his negative level.
As a result, he thought of making a weapon that he would sell and earn money, and then he remembered that he had acquired the skills of a legendary blacksmith, thus, making Grid create a unique and delicate weapon.
Part 3: Evaluate Overgeared

A fantastic book with a clear rating of ten out of ten, Overgeared is a popular fantasy thriller because of its maze of adventure and suspense-filled plots that keeps readers hooked.