ResourcesBest Romantic StoriesBook Review: National School Prince Is A Girl

Book Review: National School Prince Is A Girl

True to the novel’s title, the story in the National School Prince Is A Girl novel is all about a “he” who is a “she”. His… No, her name is Fu Jiu, and every girl in her school swoon over her. She is a “she” raised as a “he”, and the manly-looking Fu Jiu has learned to embrace her identity as a lad.

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Plus, she is referred to as the Young Master in the National School Prince Is A Girl novel. The pretty boy-faced Fu Jiu’s alternate identity is Spade Z, a hacker whose job is to terminate villains in the online world. Fortunately, despite her masculine appearance and behaviors, Fu Jiu is a straight girl who falls in love with the Almighty Young Master Qin Mo.

Fu Jiu’s love for the Almighty Qin Mo leads her father to cut off financial support from her. She also has to face the bully Huo Siyu, who is in love with Qin Mo. In addition, their relationships also mark the start of their new adventures in the National School Prince Is A Girl novel.

older as the author of the National School Prince Is A Girl has done a good job in picturing the Chinese settings in the novel, such as the e-commerce Taobao and the RMB currency. Plus, the more we reach the end of the novel, the more we feel the romantic dynamics between Fu Jiu and Qin Mo!

Part 1: Meet The Characters Of National School Prince Is A Girl

Fu Jiu (a.k.a “Spade Z”)

National School Prince Is A Girl Fu Jiu
Fu Jiu, the main character of the National School Prince Is A Girl novel, is a son… No, a daughter, to Fu Zhongyi and Mrs. Fu, who treat her as a guy. She doesn’t only have a pretty boy appearance that makes all girls swoon in her school.

She also has begun adapting the mannerism of a guy, and this thing persists even when she acts as the “Spade Z” hacker, the Hacker King… No, Queen… Or, her alias.

However, Fu Jiu is still a straight girl. She had a crush on the handsome Jiang Feiyang before she fell in love with the Almighty Young Master Qin Mo, the national league champion of the online game she played in.

The Almighty Qin Mo

National School Prince Is A Girl Qin Mo
Every character in National School Prince Is A Girl finds the Young Master Qin Mo as both an intriguing and an intimidating character. It doesn’t happen only because of the Young Master’s wealth, but also his cold and distant mannerisms toward everyone. Even the author of the National School Prince Is A Girl refers to him as “The Almighty”.

Fu Jiu has set her eyes long on the cold-hearted magnate of the series before her encounters with Qin Mo in the online game. They fall in love with each other fast starting from there.

Huo Siyu and Jiang Feiyang

National School Prince Is A Girl Huo Siyu And Jiang Feiyang
Huo Siyu and Jiang Feiyang are two bullies in National School Prince Is A Girl. Fu Jiu has had a crush on the handsome-looking Jiang Feiyang before she knew the Young Master Qin Mo. As for Huo Siyu, she hates Fu Jiu with a passion, because she feels jealous for her stealing the female bully’s “beloved” Qin Mo.

I think the two bullies are dangerous, even though they don’t seem to be so close together. Even so, their presences in the novel are so hilarious every time they failed to harm Fu Jiu’s life.

Part 2: Story Of National School Prince Is A Girl

National School Prince Is A Girl Novel
The word “Young Master” opens up the first chapter of National School Prince Is A Girl, which indicates the main character’s upbringing. Fu Jiu is supposed to be a “she” instead of a “he”, the identity that she has known and adopted for the rest of her years.

Fu Jiu has to undergo a mission to be a high school kid after undergoing surgery for her brain in the hospital. Her masculine appearances make Chen Xiaodong, her butler, even more, confident in picking up boys’ outfits for her.

Girls in high school start to swoon at her the moment she arrived at the school. Like any other high school kid, she has to face bullies at her school. The first bully is the handsome-looking boy Jiang Feiyang, while the second bully is Huo Siyu, the female student who is in love with the Young Master Qin Mo.

Later on in the National School Prince Is A Girl series, we know that Fu Jiu and Qin Mo start noticing each other’s interests. Such a thing leads Fu Zhongyi, her father, to stop the financial assistance because his “son” has turned out to be gay.

Have you wondered how things will turn out regarding Fu Jiu and Qin Mo’s romantic relationship in National School Prince Is A Girl?

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Part 3: Meet The Author Of National School Prince Is A Girl

National School Prince Is A Girl by OldZei
OldZei is the author behind the novel. The author is one of the new authors in Dreame, and one of the proofs is that the National School Prince Is A Girl novel is the only novel that the author has written so far.

Not many things we know about OldZei, apart from the author’s apparent love for anime. First, the author’s profile picture belongs to one of the most popular anime series. Second, the author seems to self-design the cover of the National School Prince Is A Girl novel.

I love the ways OldZei understands East Asian culture, particularly the Chinese culture that the author tries to bring through the National School Prince Is A Girl series. The elements of Chinese culture don’t only present in the chapters of National School Prince Is A Girl, but we can also see the Chinese characters printed on the novel’s cover.

Olde has written 14 chapters in National School Prince Is A Girl. I, along with her visitors and followers, will be waiting for her to update the stories or publish other books in Dreame.

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Adolf Taylor
Adolf Taylor is a Wehear author who loves all kinds of stories and audiobooks. He is also very good at showing his unique perspectives on those stories. He used to work as an editor with best-selling authors, therefore, seizing the most important part of a novel that appeals to readers is very easy for him. Nowadays, Adolf is committed to helping people quickly find audiobooks or novels that they like by analyzing different stories' features.


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