
Big, Bold, And Beautiful.


Big, Bold, And Beautiful.

Length: 33hrs 48mins 178 episodesCompleted
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Tracey Holmes's life is nothing short of a rollercoaster, even though she lived in the trenches, Tracey believed that she was made for the big things life has to offer. when she unexpectedly got a job in a multinational company, She finds herself unavoidably attracted to Devin Hester, a renowned known billionaire, and Casanova. Despite Devin's long list of baggage, Tracey is willing to overlook it, but just how much can she take? Devin Hester aside from being a billionaire is the alpha of all alphas. He has a vision of what his potential mate should look like, She has to be classy, sexy and a head turner, what happens when he finds out that his soul mate is a lowlife plus size girl? find out in this romance-themed story. Blurb: Isabella was only five years old when she first murdered a man in cold blood under the supervision of her uncle. all her life she has been trained to be brutal, emotionless, and cold. She has one life goal and that is to bring down the family of the man who mercilessly murdered her father, her uncle, and her grandmother. She was trained to become one of the best snipers in the Italian Mafia Xavier Hester is a trained US one-man army, thanks to his supernatural genes. when he receives a call that his favorite grandma has been shot by an Italian sniper, he returns home with the sole purpose of bringing a painful death to the one who has dared him. what happens when he accidentally bumps into a bad girl who captured his heart from the moment he set his eyes on her? He knew she was no ordinary girl and will stop at nothing to tame her. will love prevail when they both learn the bitter truth of their past or will they fall apart and consume each other in their fury?


  • billionaire
  • killer
  • pregnant
  • self-improved
  • dare to love and hate
  • drama
  • sweet
  • werewolves
  • offifice/work place
  • enimies to lovers
  • Romance


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