
The Alpha Queen's Journey


The Alpha Queen's Journey

Length: 21hrs 16mins 73 episodesCompleted
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Elara Moonrise woke up happily on her 18th birthday dreaming that she could cross the north border to discover new places and live exciting adventures. However, her father is the werewolves’ King and she’s an only child so, her destiny as the next queen is already sealed. Everyone hopes she becomes a wise ruler, marries a strong Alpha and keeps the kingdom at peace just as her parents do. Nevertheless, her birthday party unexpectedly turned her life around and now she finds herself alone, her beloved ones are dead, her inner wolf has disappeared and the kingdom is destroyed. What would she do now? Live her life as if she was never a princess or try to gather the pieces of her past and become the Queen everyone wished her to? Join princess Elara through the sticks and stones of her journey that will put her mind and soul to its limit, teach her the value of friendship, the power of true love and the strength of an endless hope.


  • adventure
  • revenge
  • kickass heroine
  • queen
  • drama
  • bxg
  • werewolves
  • pack
  • weak to strong
  • passionate
  • Romance


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