
Skim Deep


Skim Deep

Length: 05hrs 39mins 18 episodesCompleted
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The first new Nolan novel in thirty-three years from one of the masters of the genre, Max Allan Collins, award-winning author of Road to Perdition.The onetime world-class thief Nolan—now happily gone straight with his own restaurant/nightclub—whisks his longtime lover Sherry off to Vegas for a trip to a wedding chapel and a honeymoon stay. But an eye-in-the-sky security cam at a casino spots Nolan, whose past catches up with him when he’s thought to be casing the joint. An old “friend” sees Nolan as the perfect patsy for a scheme to heist the weekly skim haul, and when the former thief’s young frequent accomplice, Jon—a musician in the casino’s house band—finds the couple mysteriously, suspiciously missing, it’s up to Nolan’s Best Man to keep wedding bells from tolling a funeral march.


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