
Mrs Dalloway


Mrs Dalloway

Length: 07hrs 01mins 21 episodesCompleted
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Virginia Woolf’s classic “stream of consciousness” novel revolves around one day in a woman’s life in post-war London, 1923.Clarissa Dalloway is preoccupied with the last-minute details of a party she is to give that evening. As she makes preparations she is flooded with memories and re-examines the choices she has made over the course of her life.On the same day, the war inflicted Septimus is struggling to keep his dark thoughts and vivid flashbacks from overwhelming him, leading to a catastrophic turn of events.We encounter a vast array of characters through their internal monologues, all of which touch Clarissa’s life in some way and are all brought together by her party.This audiobook version has been succinctly broken into chapters reflecting each character’s point of view.


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