
Digital Pandemic


Digital Pandemic

Length: 03hrs 34mins 10 episodesCompleted
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In early 2020 on a writing sabbatical, Michael Bociurkiw was on Spain’s frontier with Gibraltar when his phone started receiving texts from Asia about a mysterious disease sickening hundreds of people in China’s Hubei province. Little did he know at the time that it would quickly morph into the deadliest pandemic in modern history. His early reporting and commentary on what would become known as the coronavirus pandemic has now been collated into the first postmortem on the crisis. What follows is a bold global analysis from someone with a truly unique international perspective—and from an experienced hand who’s been on the story from the start.Digital Pandemic chronicles how many technological trends—from working from home and tele-health to distance learning and e-commerce—have been catapulted ahead by at least a decade due to the pandemic. Who got rich and who didn’t. How strongmen and authoritarian governments leveraged the pandemic in their favor. Will influencers and digital nomads survive a not-so-familiar “new normal”? Crucially, the book offers more than two dozen predictions to paint a picture of the “new normal.”It may be premature to forecast when and how the Covid-19 pandemic will end but, for now, this book is required listening for anyone wishing to understand the lasting impact—both good and bad—on humanity.


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