
Life Worth Living


Life Worth Living

Length: 04hrs 11mins 15 episodesCompleted
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“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”—Robert SchullerWe all have challenges in life.Life doesn’t ask us for permission, and often, without any warning, it throws a situation at us that at the time, we aren’t even sure we can endure.Some of these challenges define us, some try to break us, but all of them give us valuable lessons if we take the time to learn them.We can’t control what may come our way. However, we can control the choices we make and the actions we take. This book is one woman’s journey of finding her courage to go on when she was truly tested, and how she was able to overcome many challenges that could’ve broken her.It is a story of resilience, self-reflection, and an unshakable desire to live a Life Worth Living.In this must-listen book, Luba Sakharuk explores how she was able to see different perspectives while reflecting on her life and choosing not to blame or judge, but to be kind and give back. This has allowed her to live a life with passion and purpose.All of this makes it a Life Worth Living.


  • Self-Help


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