
Out of the Ruins


Out of the Ruins

Length: 10hrs 11mins 21 episodesCompleted
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A fresh post-apocalyptic anthology: the end of the world seen through the salvage and ruins, featuring Emily St. John Mandel, Carmen Maria Machado, and moreThis anthology of post-apocalyptic fiction asks: What would you save from the fire? In the moments when it all comes crashing down, what will we value the most, and how will we save it? Out of the Ruins features stories from China Miéville, Emily St. John Mandel, Clive Barker, Carmen Maria Machado, Charlie Jane Anders, Samuel R. Delaney, Ramsey Campbell, Lavie Tidhar, Kaaron Warrern, Anna Tambour, Nina Allan, Jeffrey Thomas, Paul Di Filippo, Ron Drummond, Nikhil Singh, John Skipp, Autumn Christian, Chris Kelso, Rumi Kaneko, Nick Mamatas, and D.R.G. Sugawara.


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