
Gamma's Daughter


Gamma's Daughter

Length: 11hrs 32mins 55 episodesCompleted
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"Congratulations on your engagement!" A friend of Asher wishes us with a wide smile. "Thank you so much," I smile while Asher greets the other. "Oh My God! Asher Nelson is engaged to that girl?" "I thought he only slept with her" "She hit the jackpot!" I could hear all the background voices thanks to my werewolf hearing. I am on human land trying my best acting as a human but my wolf wants me to let her out. I was engaged to our Alpha yesterday and here we are, partying with his human friends who has absolutely no idea of who we truly are. "Babe, I need a moment of fresh air. Excuse me," I kiss Asher's cheek and turn around. And right then, an intoxicating scent of wood and spice hits me. I quickly look around to see if there is another werewolf present here.. but I am greeted with a very fragile human guy who's refilling water. "Congratulations on your engagement, mam!" He smiles at me as he fills the glass before me with water. Where has this man been all my life?


  • Fantasy
  • mate
  • versatile
  • drama
  • bxg
  • werewolves
  • pack
  • friendship
  • sassy


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