
Number Seventeen


Number Seventeen

Length: 07hrs 34mins 17 episodesCompleted
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British journalist Louis Tracy wrote more than twenty-five novels that emphasized adventure, mystery, and romance, and this story has them all … a tale blending intrigue and murder in a rainy London. Two detectives … Winter and Furneaux, who constantly badger one another, are both quarrelsome and perceptive with Furneaux once remarking, “I can assure you it’s a plot and a half.”When writer Frank Theydon emerges from a London theater, he notices an attractive young woman and an older man waiting for their car. He arrives home after a short delay and notices the older man, whom he’d overheard tell his companion he was stopping at his club, outside the building.Before going up to his flat, number sixteen, Theydon sees the man enter the building and pay a brief visit to flat number seventeen, the home of a widow, and then leave.The next day, Theydon is the guest of an influential millionaire who’d agreed to be interviewed for a special article. Not long before his appointment, Theydon learns that his neighbor, the widow, was murdered the previous night. To top this off, the millionaire turns out to be the man he saw enter his building. Theydon’s anxiety increases when he is followed home by a mysterious limousine. Listen now and become immersed in the multiple twists and turns.


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