
1945 - Chicago Cubs vs. Detroit Tigers


1945 - Chicago Cubs vs. Detroit Tigers

Length: 09hrs 15mins 12 episodesCompleted
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Broadcasting veteran John Rayburn presents classic, historic reenactment of the 1945 World Series championship games between the Chicago Cubs and Detroit Tigers.Game 1Chicago - 9Detroit - 0Game 2Chicago - 1Detroit - 4Game 3Chicago - 3Detroit - 0Game 4Detroit - 4Chicago - 1Game 5Detroit - 8Chicago - 4Game 6Detroit - 7Chicago - 8Game 7Detroit - 9Chicago - 3Before the Series began, veteran Chicago sportswriter Warren Brown said he couldn’t select a winner because he “didn’t think either one of them could win.”Although a total of sixty-one runs were scored in the Series, there were only three home runs, two of them by Hank Greenberg of the Tigers.


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