
Are You Coming?


Are You Coming?

Length: 03hrs 38mins 11 episodesCompleted
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Come one, come all! Real talk: When’s the last time you had an orgasm? If you’re in the vagina owner’s club, you may well answer: way too damn long! Studies show that only 65 percent of straight women climax during sex (versus 95 percent of men). And regardless of orientation, the unfortunate truth is: For those of us with vaginas, climaxing isn’t guaranteed. No more! Are You Coming? invites everyone with a vagina to take their sex life to the next level. . . .Come alone. For vagina owners, self-knowledge is the path to pleasure (yet, we’ve faced eons of misinformation). Are You Coming? explains all: anatomy, toys to try, and what works for dozens of real people—no two alike.Come together! Seeking better sex with a partner? Read on for the thirteen types of orgasm, how to talk about sex (before and after), why “foreplay” is tragically misnamed, sex positions for every want and need—and more! This is the orgasm-seeker’s guide to “Oh!”Are you coming?


  • Self-Help
  • self-improved


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