
Abused and Broken


Abused and Broken

Length: 11hrs 34mins 87 episodesCompleted
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How do you know what love is when the only love you have ever know comes with bruises cuts and being told you are nothing? Short answer is you can't know what it truly is. It is a risk. That is not a risk I can take. Ember is a wolf. Her dad is abusive and leaves the pack with her in order to avoid anyone learning about the things he does to her. Her first day she finds her mate. However, she doesn't want a mate not after what she saw her father do to her mother. She must hide herself. But how long can she hide from the future Alpha who is looking everywhere for his mate? In the process of edits all chapters! Please hang in there!


  • Paranormal
  • adventure
  • alpha
  • mate
  • dominant
  • submissive
  • powerful
  • luna
  • werewolves
  • campus
  • school


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