
Acres of Diamonds


Acres of Diamonds

Length: 01hrs 26mins 4 episodesCompleted
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Why was Russell Conwell, the founder of Temple University, referred to as the penniless millionaire? This, along with other questions, will be answered in this revolutionary book that contains Conwell's classic Acres of Diamonds message. You will discover how this lawyer, minister, writer, lecturer, educator, and diplomat who represented the City of Brotherly Love left a legacy that is still changing countless lives today. His famous Acres of Diamonds message will also challenge you to seek opportunities to find true wealth right in your own backyard without getting sidetracked by selfishness and greed. The same principles that transformed Russell Conwell into one of the most charitable millionaires during his time, will also revolutionize your life as you read his timeless message contained in this book.This audio version Acres of Diamondshas reached millions of listeners around the world. Conwell's great manifesto imparts one extraordinary lesson: All the wealth you could ever dream of, search for, or yearn after—in whatever form you wish for—exists right beneath your own feet. It is a message of determination, unconventional thinking, and positive living that came to influence a generation of motivational literature.


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