
Age in Place


Age in Place

Length: 04hrs 51mins 81 episodesCompleted
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Filled with clear and practical solutions, this step-by-step, room-by-room guide to simple home modifications helps seniors make their homes safer and easier to navigate.Lynda Shrager is a registered board-certified occupational therapist, a master’s-level social worker, and a certified aging-in-place specialist (CAPS) with more than thirty-seven years’ experience in the field of geriatrics and more than thirteen years working with seniors in their homes. It is this mix of qualifications and experience that makes her an expert in adapting environments to increase patient safety and independence. Age in Place is designed to help seniors and their caregivers address these new challenges together and make life at home safer, more manageable, and less stressful for all.Age in Place features the following: A room-by-room walk-through to evaluate and modify safetyRecommendations for the best home medical equipmentWhere to obtain services and additional helpful resourcesA check list for listeners to complete their own walk-through, with a quick and easy guide to making each space safe and manageableOccupational therapy tips in “Hacks for Health and Home” sections at the end of each chapterA “Vital Documents Guide” for easy retrieval of important papers in case of an emergency


  • Self-Help
  • self-improved


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