
"Who Am I Really"


"Who Am I Really"

Length: 02hrs 02mins 22 episodesCompleted
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Who Am I Really" by Leon C. Lewis is an in-depth study of the physics and the metaphysics of life itself. The author elaborates on how people deviate from their "self" and live their life the way it's not supposed to be led. People need to understand their self to succeed spiritually. The author takes the reader through a spiritual journey of a lifetime and how one can find their true purpose and acknowledge their destiny. The topics covered include human history, science, DNA, and the four pinnacles of life. The author also highlights approaches such as palmistry, numerology, 12 personality archetypes, personality types, meditation, etc.,The author elaborates on how it all comes down to common denominators; how everything is connected. The author lays out the plan on how one can reach the spiritual enlightenment that the masters of the past talked about. "Who Am I Really" is a book that comes once in a lifetime


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