
Between Preachers


Between Preachers

Length: 05hrs 14mins 49 episodesCompleted
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When a preacher stays a long time, the church usually doesn't like the next preacher. I volunteer to be the next preacher they don't like. During the six to eighteen months Gail and I work with them, they have time to grieve their losses and select their next preacher wisely. This book describes how we do it.One helpful approach in many congregations is the services of an intentional interim preacher. An intentional interim is prepared by study and experience in transition dynamics and Biblical principles. Leaving Egypt (previous state), wandering through the wilderness with complaining, wishing to make it like it used to be, and eventually entering the promised land where God's people can enjoy another season of growth in carrying out the Great Commission, he understands he is temporary. He signs a contract. He will not consider or be considered as the next preacher of this congregation. He does what he promised.Other items in the book are practical principles for churches and preachers looking for a good fit and samples of interviews, contracts, and training for the process.


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