
See The World Through Child's Eyes


See The World Through Child's Eyes

Length: 03hrs 07mins 46 episodesCompleted
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It's truly undeniable that our lives are a reflection of what we believe in, and what we feel deep inside.And because words can easily become places, I would love to share some of the scenic emotional transitions, of some of my deepest life-changing decisions, some metaphors and some real life knowledge, that later became wisdom to myself.To help better decide on how to act in many different life scenarios, in different stages of our human evolution.Born from a love seedling that blossomed from the depths of me, urging to breathe, it incubated into physical form at its own inner rhythm.May these bridges we call words bring you the comfort your soul longs for, let their beat carry you back to your innate wholeness, one that your heart knows so well.They will guide you gently into a silent awakening, to a deeper truth, to a much more meaningful life experience, every time you are open enough to receive it.In the deep knowing that it no longer belongs to me, I open my hands and set it free, so that it can become all that it can be, to all those who might feel the calling to, more than read it, fully experience it.May my loving embrace, in every word, gently guide you back home.


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