
The Keys to Prosperity Manifestation


The Keys to Prosperity Manifestation

Length: 05hrs 37mins 21 episodesCompleted
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While many people don't particularly believe in Jesus as the Christ or believe in Him at all, this book reveals who He was as a human and who he was and is as Deity. The book also seeks to educate the reader about who we are as sons and daughters of GOD and the ability that we have to make manifest not only our needs and desires but the needs and desires of others. It seeks to inform the reader about what Jesus meant about the miracles he performed when he said, " these things and greater things than these shall you do."The Keys To Prosperity Manifestation; Love, Faith, Truth, Beauty and Goodness goes beyond the traditional and primitive concepts of faith as perceived from biblical scripture, giving the reader a more enlightened concept of faith and how it is applied to make manifest the objects that our faith is directed toward.


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