
My Peculiar Love


My Peculiar Love

Length: 13hrs 10mins 41 episodesCompleted
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Bailey Shanne Margot is an 18 year old girl who came from a rich family and is living in an apartment near Lexington Academy. She is suffering from a curse in which whenever she gets emotionally hurt or unstable, the pain will reflect on her body in forms of wounds and bruises. However, she cannot get wounded and bruised by physical hazards no matter how harmful it is to her body. When she met Fernando Alderidge in the same academy, she noticed that her wounds kept healing and her scars kept disappearing. Just when she thought, things couldn’t get any stranger, she learned that her father had arranged her marriage to Fernando, years ago. And little did she know, he is also keeping a secret that could ruin their lives. Is Fernando finally the cure to the curse she's been looking for all her life?


  • Y&A Teenfiction
  • contract marriage
  • fated
  • curse
  • aloof
  • student
  • mystery
  • campus
  • secrets
  • witchcraft
  • classmates


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