
Nobody is Safe


Nobody is Safe

Length: 28hrs 04mins 111 episodesCompleted
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world where Witches and Vampires are ruled by Royalty? Where there are top Kings and Queens and several other Kings and Queens who run the kingdoms controlling their kind and trying to make the world a better place to live in one kingdom at a time. Well if you have come join Rebecca on her journey of self discovery of trials and tribulations. She has a long road ahead of her. Rebecca has been on the run her entire life with her Mother from a man she has never met but has always feared. None other then her father. What will happen when Rebecca and her Mother Taylor are Caught and brought back into the world of Magic and Vampires. A world Rebecca didn't know was real. Come join Rebecca on her journey as she learns about her powers and prepares to face her Father. It might happen sooner then anyone is prepared for. Can Rebecca live up to the reputation of Top Royalty on both sides of her family or will she fail and be sent to live among the humans once again? Read this thrilling story to find out what happens!


  • Fantasy
  • kickass heroine
  • bxg
  • gxg
  • betrayal
  • coming of age
  • secrets
  • self discover
  • superpower
  • witchcraft


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