
My Sister's Flirty Friend (The Greene Family Book 4)


My Sister's Flirty Friend (The Greene Family Book 4)

Length: 06hrs 09mins 30 episodesCompleted
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I broke the cardinal rule and slept with my sister’s best friend. Granted, I’d just found out that I was now a single father to a three-year-old little girl and was low on willpower. It should also be noted that there’s been sexual tension between us for years. There’s no way it would be a surprise if anyone in our small town found out. That is if we were telling people, which we’re not. We’re in agreement to keep our affair a secret, especially since neither one of us do relationships. You’ve probably figured it out already, but things didn’t go as planned.


  • neighbor
  • secrets
  • affair
  • Romance


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