
The Soldier Who Taught Her to Love


The Soldier Who Taught Her to Love

Length: 18hrs 15mins 83 episodesCompleted
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Kyla White has been told she is northing but a disappointment and failure all her life, Her waring parents, and unique eye colour made Kyla's child hood one of torment and bullying. Over the years Kyla began to eat her emotions, which increased her weight, giving more ammunition to her tormentors. One day, she finds herself watching a reality TV show, that tracks the training of Special Forces Soldiers, as civilian contestants undergo the Selection process to find out if they Have What It Takes. Inspired by a contestants story, similar to her own, and a small crush on one of the EX Soldiers who are the instructors on the show Kyla puts down food and takes up exercise, in a bid to change her life. After 18 months of hard work Kyla finds her self applying to be on the very show that has inspired her so much. Jim Henderson 'Kermit' is an EX Special Forces operative, he has lived through the darkest depths of hell, whilst on many operations. After leaving the Military he found himself lost in the alien world of 'Civvy Street' and the cold hard affects of PTSD haunts him. One of his Ex SF buddies f recommended him for the reality TV show Special Forces; Have YOU Got What it Takes, as an instructor, and for four seasons of the show he found the relief, back in a world he knows and loves. 'Kermit' grip on his reality is shaken to the core, as Number 11 a female contestant arrives with the most beautiful violet eyes, drawing him in, and mesmerising him in their hypnotic gaze. Her lack of confidence and self loathing hurts him beyond anything he had ever experienced before. Hoping the process helps give her some closure, he breaks the rules and forms an attachment with the contestant as he seeks to help her learn to love herself, but finds himself falling off the precipice of his resolve to remain forever single, and head long in love with her. But will this strange relationship blossom? or will the realities of normal life after the show tear them apart?


  • self-improved
  • drama
  • bxg
  • soldier
  • realistic earth
  • self discover
  • weak to strong
  • lonely
  • tortured
  • love at the first sight
  • Romance


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