
Broken Angel


Broken Angel

Length: 26hrs 36mins 110 episodesCompleted
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He was one of the most eligible bachelors of the country, rich, powerful and handsome. She was a simple orphan girl, who had struggled her whole life. He was magnetic , determined and possessive and when necessary cruel and ruthless. She was shy and timid, yet sweet and kind. He fall for beauty and innocence, but at their weeding day he discovered a dark secret from the past and took an oath to make her life a living hell. She dreamed of being protected and having a family, but now she is in the mercy of her husband and his cruelty. He revenged her so much that he totally broke the only woman he ever loved, but will he regret his deeds?


  • billionaire
  • fated
  • dominant
  • goodgirl
  • drama
  • abuse
  • cruel
  • virgin
  • punishment
  • Romance


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