
The Billionaire's Interest


The Billionaire's Interest

Length: 09hrs 44mins 88 episodesCompleted
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Stacy is an assistant to the Billionaire CEO of an Architecture Company. He is cold-hearted, has secrets of his own, and he doesn't make it known to her that he is very much interested in her. As a 24-year-old woman, she has a side line job that she keeps as a secret. But will it work in her favor? How does she deal with the past wounds that has resurfaced? What will their fate be? Will their relationship overcome the one big secret that resurfaces?


  • billionaire
  • possessive
  • opposites attract
  • aloof
  • CEO
  • drama
  • bxg
  • city
  • offifice/work place
  • assistant
  • gorgeous
  • Romance


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