
Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Cracked Mirror, A Short Mystery


Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Cracked Mirror, A Short Mystery

Length: 33mins 4 episodesCompleted
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"The fireman had seen a skeleton, wearing a dress coat, whose head was aflame. I was deeply worried for the missing young woman. If she had been taken by the opera ghost, be he flesh or spirit, how would she fare if she rejected his 'love'? All worries were momentarily forced out of my head when a sudden squawk rang out across the opera house. I cannot believe this! Me; a suspect."A Roger Rittner Production. Pulp Radio - Audio Dramas. Narrated by Ian Whitcomb, with Barbara Goodson and J.W. Terry. Announced by Dave Mallow.]]>


  • Suspense/Thriller
  • murder
  • killer
  • doctor
  • detective
  • crime


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