
Best Werewolf Book Review: Wild Sign

The Wild Sign novel is a werewolf verse novel that belongs to the Alpha And Omega series by Patricia Briggs. It is the sixth book from the Alpha And Omega series, and also the twenty-seventh book from the same author.

Since the Wild Sign novel is a part of the Alpha And Omega series, it also follows the story of Anna Latham, a 23-year-old Omega she-wolf who lives in Chicago, IL.

In Wild Sign, Anna is already mated with the Native American Alpha male werewolf named Charles Cornick from the Aspen Creek pack. The two had been living in the wilderness of the Northern California (NC) mountains, and both parties sometimes use pen names to protect themselves.

As the story progresses, we discover that the NC mountains don’t seem to be friendly toward living beings, including humans and werewolves.

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The mountains’ inhabitants slowly get nowhere to be found. People and other living beings around the mountains don’t seem to know if those missing people are still living or have died.

Regardless of which, the death threats seem to be close to both Anna and Charles as they try to survive in their habitats.

On the other hand, the FBI agents have already collected information about these two werewolves. So, why are they missing? Will Anna and Charles continue to survive in Wild Sign?

Part 1: Meet The Characters of Wild Sign

Anna Latham

Anna Latham was previously a human before she got mated with Alpha Charles in Wild Sign.

She used to live a normal life as a worker in a music store in Chicago, IL before she moved with Charles in the wilderness of the NC mountains.

Anna may be a small-sized woman (she’s only 5’2″ tall), and she may only be an Omega she-wolf. However, I would say that her character developments are among the most evident in Wild Sign and also in the entire universe of the Alpha And Omega series. Bonus point: I also admire her bravery and confidence in communicating with beings around her, including her Alpha Charles.

Charles Cornick

Charles Cornick, the main male character of Wild Sign, is the second-born son of Bran “The Marrok” Cornick, the most dominant werewolf in North America, and his Flathead Indian wife, Blue-Jay Woman, who dies shortly after she gave birth to Charles. He is an Alpha from the Aspen Creek pack, which is also the pack that becomes the central point of the Wild Sign novel.

As an Alpha werewolf, it’s not a surprise to know that Charles refuses to obey anyone but his father. He also shows an aggressive demeanor through each chapter of Wild Sign. Even so, he softens a little bit with Anna, his wife (a.k.a “mate”).

Part 2: Story Of Wild Sign

The story of Wild Sign opens up by telling us that Anna Latham, the main female character of the novel, has already lived her peaceful life with her husband (or her “mate”), Alpha Charles Cornick from the Aspen Creek pack. She plays piano so well, and her mate can’t help but appreciate her way of playing the piano.

At some points, the couple may argue (typical relationship dynamics between an Alpha male werewolf versus an Omega she-wolf). However, their arguments always have closures because Alpha Charles does a great job of loving and protecting his mate. Their peaceful lives in Wild Sign continue until the FBI agents step into the novel’s scenario.

The two FBI special agents in the Wild Sign novel already know the pen names that the couple frequently uses. Furthermore, they have also collected data from the wilderness of North Carolina (a.k.a. NC) mountains, the habitats where Anna, Charles, and Charles’ pack members usually live.

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Later on, in Wild Sign, we know that the NC mountains are not so friendly to living beings. The inhabitants continue to miss from one day to another day. The questions: First, why are they always missing? Second, will Anna and Charles survive amid missing threats that seem to stop at nothing to “get” to them?

Part 3: Meet The Author Of Wild Sign

Patricia “Patty” Briggs, the author of Wild Sign, is a quite old name in the fantasy writing industry. After all, this American-born author of Wild Sign has been writing fantasy genres since 1993. The Wild Sign novel itself is first published in 2021, which means, this novel marks several decades of Patty’s writing career.

Patty’s Wild Sign is the sixth book from the Alpha And Omega series, and the first book from the same series was published around 2007-ish. The Alpha And Omega series themselves are parts of the Mercyverse, which, I believe, is the greatest fictional universe from the same author.

Wild Sign is like any other book from Patty’s Alpha And Omega series that focuses on Anna’s and Charles’ lives. However, the death and missing threats are more intense in this newest novel than in other novels from the same author and universe.

The tensions that both MCs feel throughout the chapters are so evident that we may find ourselves joining the werewolves in their journeys of protecting themselves and their loved ones.

One of the most current news about this novel’s series is that another book from the Alpha And Omega series will be released sometime in 2024. However, the author is still yet to disclose the title, characters, and plot.

Part 4: Alternative To Wild Sign

Wild Sign involves an Alpha male werewolf, fighting and survival scenes, and so on. Hence, Alpha soldiers or military settings become the things that define the plots of Wild Sign. I would recommend Alpha Soldier’s Mate (Romano Series #5) as an alternative that you can read on Dreame platform.

When we take a look at the title, we’ll see that Dreame’s Alpha Soldier’s Mate is also a part of some series. Alpha Carter Romano is also like Alpha Charles Cornick – both Alphas are the feared werewolves in their territories. Plus, Amelia Knight, the main female character of Alpha’s Soldier Mate, is also an American woman from a small town in Alaska. See the similarity?

Summary of Alpha Soldier’s Mate (Romano Series #5):

Alpha Soldier’s Mate (Romano Series #5) follows a story about Carter Romano, an Alpha who is also a fearsome General of the Special Rogue Torture in the military. Carter meets Amelia Knight, an Omega she-wolf, while he was on some sort of task in disguising himself as a coffee shop employee.

Just like any other Alpha male werewolf and Omega she-wolf relationship dynamics, Amelia poses some sort of a hurricane to Carter’s well-thought-out plans. Amelia finally retreats to a small town in Alaska to run away from everything, including her power struggles with Carter, who happens to be her mate.

Being an Omega she-wolf, Amelia has also previously been targeted by other higher-ranked male werewolves. At some points, those werewolves have ill intentions to sell her out after smelling her scents. So, Amelia has every reason to run away as fast and far as she can.

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